Saga Akademía
Data Protection Policy
Information about students‘ rights and duties
Information about students‘ rights and duties, as well as means of resolving disputes, are available in Saga Akademia‘s policy.
Data Protection Policy at Saga Akademia language school
Data Protection Policy is intended to explain what information is collected, how it is used, stored, deleted and what access is granted to it. This Data Protection Policy is based on the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Personal Privacy and Processing of Personal Data and ESB Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the freedom of movement of such data. The policy applies to all services provided by Saga Akademia.
Saga Akademia’s Operations:
Saga Akademia is a privately-run language school.
Saga Akademia provides services to individuals, companies and offices.
Saga Akademia is a service provider of teaching Icelandic as a foreign language on behalf of Rannis, VIRK, Job Centre.
Saga Akademia publishes language learning textbooks and other publications.
Collection and use of personal information at Saga Akademia:
Saga Akademia collects and stores students’, employees’ and contractors’ personal information. Only data necessary for operation of Saga Akademia is collected and the procedure is conducted for clear purposes and on legitimate grounds, it is also with the informed consent of individuals and employees. Collected personal information includes: full name, personal identification number, residency address, phone number, email address, workplace, attendance lists and courses completed at Saga Akademia.
Processing of personal information at Saga Akademia:
Personal information is used for the purpose of processing applications for learning courses, issuing
a bill or a document confirming course completion or learning progress. It is also processed due to
the staff hiring. Information about particular students and employees is not accessable to third parties other than employees of Saga Akademia who are entiled to access this information or state authorities. The information can be accessed only by the headmaster, deputy headmaster and school assistant. Information is stored in Saga Akademia’s students’ registry not longer than for 7 years, except for full name, personal identification number and the name of the last course completed at Saga Akademia. They are data copies which are used in event of loss of the original documents.
Legal persons’ rights:
In compliance with Data Protection Policy individuals are entitled to get access to their personal information which is stored by Saga Akademia. They may submit comments in regard to making changes, forwarding or deleting their personal data.